The newest residential development from the Prestige Group is called Prestige Pallava Gardens, and it's situated near Pallavaram-Thuraipakkam Road in South Chennai in the peaceful Nemilichery, Pallavaram area. Premium 1, 2, and 3BHK homes starting at 650 sq ft are available in the property.This housing complex offers to combine eco-friendly design with contemporary conveniences. With 80% of its 50 acres dedicated to open spaces, Prestige Pallava Gardens gives its residents plenty of green space and greenery among an ever-expanding metropolis.
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The newest residential development from the Prestige Group is called Prestige Pallava Gardens, and it's situated near Pallavaram-Thuraipakkam Road in South Chennai in the peaceful Nemilichery, Pallavaram area. Premium 1, 2, and 3BHK homes starting at 650 sq ft are available in the property.This housing complex offers to combine eco-friendly design with contemporary conveniences. With 80% of its 50 acres dedicated to open spaces, Prestige Pallava Gardens gives its residents plenty of green space and greenery among an ever-expanding metropolis.
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